
Be sure on your feet.

In-office Tests:

  • Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) Screening Non-invasive testing provides a quick assessment of the arterial flow in the legs.  When appropriate, we make referrals to vascular specialists. Identification of early PAD is not just about the legs. Any artery in the body may be affected, such as coronary arteries (heart attack) or carotid arteries (stroke). The ADA recommends screening all diabetics over 50 years old. Early identification of PAD and aggressive medical management may decrease the number of heart attacks and strokes.

  • Neuropathy Testing Painful tingling, burning, and/or numbness in the feet is becoming increasingly common. Over 60% of diabetics will develop neuropathy. We are also seeing an increase in non-diabetic patients getting diagnosed with neuropathy. Good treatment depends upon a proper diagnosis. Our office is one of few that offers a simple skin biopsy to microscopically look at the health of the nerve endings to determine if neuropathy is present. 

  • Weight-bearing X-rays We offer prompt x-rays at your first visit to quickly assess your bones and joints. And because our x-rays are taken with the patient standing on their feet, we can also assess your biomechanical structure, which often contributes to foot conditions.


  • Ultrasound Diagrams Few practices offer in-office orthopedic ultrasound exams. We can now directly visualize soft tissue problems such as plantar fasciitis (a thickened and degenerative ligament), something x-rays are not able to achieve.